At the end of 2019, Sober Jo aka Jo Ferbrache decided to undertake a sober year in support of FOJO.
Jo’s journey was a difficult one at first, but soon turned out to be life-changing.
Jo Ferbrache said that she chose to go alcohol-free after realising that drink was dominating her life. She decided to raise funds for Friends of Jersey Oncology in the process.
Jo started a blog called Sober Jo to document her progress, which was beneficial to her and all those who were following along with her journey or curious about under taking the same sort of challenge.
There is a little doubt that Jo’s challenge was more than a success. A buzzing new life style from Jo, who’s year has drastically changed her outlook and way of life and a phenomenal £15,000 raised for FOJO.
Jo, we think you are amazing and we can’t thank you enough.